Parents who have passed away will continue to receive notifications and other communications materials unless their contact information is removed. Additionally, they must be marked as Deceased and Inactive for their entry to be removed from any future reports/query lookups. The account needs to be updated in three separate modules. 

Alumni/Dev Module

The individual's constituent account needs to be marked as Deceased first.

  1. Constituents >> Record Name >> Info tab
  2. Set the Lost/Dec dropdown to D
  3. Mark the individual as Inactive and clear the Send Mail flags

Note: If the deceased parent is set to Primary Constituent, the spouse's entry will need to be set as the new primary. To do this, unlink and re-link the accounts. 
Maintenance menu >> Link / Delete Constituents

Cleanup the constituent address, salutations, and marital status as needed. 

System Admin Module
The Web ID will need to be unbound from the account. This will prevent anyone from trying to log in through My Backpack using that account and will also allow the address/contact information to be removed in the next step.
  1. My Backpack menu >> My Backpack User Maintenance >> Record Name
  2. Remove the constituent from the Assigned To section
  3. Delete the record from My Backpack User Maintenance

Registrar Module

The contact information needs to be removed to complete the process.

  1. Student >> Student Record Name >> Address tab
  2. Edit the P1 or P2 address where the deceased parent's information is saved
  3. Remove the name in the Parent/Guardian tab (Addressee Name and Full Name)
  4. Remove the email and mobile number in the Address tab
  5. Edit the salutations in the General tab
  6. Make note of the removed email and mobile number in the Comments tab

Additional Items
Be sure to manually remove contact entries in Blackboard Connect and update the Outlook Contact Card as necessary.

  1. Blackboard Connect website >> Recipients >> Student Record Name
  2. Remove the mobile number and email entries